soul speak

I’ve got a ribbon in my eye

and it speaks truthfully of the soul

that lies beyond.

It’s holding my ocean at bay, merely

monitoring your ebb and flow.


cradling something capable

of explosion,

graceful detonation

into something mysterious.

But what do I know

of something I cannot see?

Even the reflections lie;

if left is right, then what

is wrong?

Play with the grains, toss them together

as you will

but hold yourself at a distance from me

just to remember that I am my own entity,

not simply your puzzle of whole pieces.

I am me without you-

without your hands.

So see me, I beg you, without you

and let the impressions left between the

lines of my


breathe on their own.

In, out, ebb, flow.

Pull the ribbon from my eye,

gently as to not disturb

the peace it keeps within the seas inside me,


so you see me outside my conscience.

Whisper, read it like a fortune, let it

dance in the wind while held

between your fingertips,

only if you trust them like they are the fibers

holding the circuit of your heart whole,

keeping the current

bringing air into your own blood.

Hold my soul

and name it not crimson or violet

let it simply
